Worship at Grace

All are Welcome

Join us for worship with vibrant music, passionate Bible teaching, and visual images and video. Experience a warm gathering of believers and seekers coming together, both in-person and online, to experience the transformational love of God.

Sunday Mornings

Worship Live Stream

Worship services are live-streamed here, on YouTube, and on Facebook. You can also check out past sermons, music team videos, and more on the Grace YouTube channel.

"Welcome to Grace" Playlist

A sampling of some of the songs we might sing on a Sunday morning at Grace (along with a variety of hymns):

Worship: Sundays at 10:00am

Address: 5125 Sicard Hollow Road, Birmingham, AL 35242

Church Office: (205) 951-7707 or chelsea@gracebhm.org

GraceKids: (205) 639-1388 or director@gracekidscdc.org

After-Hours Emergencies: (205) 775-0778