Our Mission

Our Mission:

Strengthening families by making and growing highly committed disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Strengthening Families...

Grace is committed to nurturing small groups and curating sermon series that fundamentally strengthen and transform families. We believe that the teaching of the church must be grounded in Scripture, prayerfully prepared and always relevant to daily life. At Grace, we welcome all kinds of families and commit to providing the tools they need to be healthy and God-centered.

Making and Growing Highly Committed Disciples of Jesus Christ...

The heart of our ministry is helping people discover the power of an authentic and lived relationship with Jesus Christ. As we grow in our faith, we come to understand who we are and how we are called to live as disciples.

As a congregation, we are committed to sharing our faith in relational ways; friend to friend, coworker to coworker, and neighbor to neighbor.

Transforming the World

As followers of Jesus, we know that transformation does not end with us. The life of a disciple also includes serving, sharing, and working for peace and justice at home and around the world. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we believe that we can change the world one person, one family, and one community at a time.

Worship: Sundays at 10:00am

Address: 5125 Sicard Hollow Road, Birmingham, AL 35242

Church Office: (205) 951-7707 or chelsea@gracebhm.org

GraceKids: (205) 639-1388 or director@gracekidscdc.org

After-Hours Emergencies: (205) 775-0778